martes, 8 de mayo de 2012


1. In pairs, think of three examples of:

- Styles of music from the USA
- American food
- TV programmes made in the USA                                         
- Clothes from the USA

2. Read the report. Can you find any more examples to add to your list in the exercise 1?



The USA is sometimes called the "Land of Opportunity." Americans are famos for havin enthusiasm for new ideas. In any country in Europe you will find shopping malls, multi- screen cinemas, theme parks -all these first appeared in the In the entertainment and leisure industries of America has had a particularly strong influence, and ideas and products from the USA have spread all around the world..

Quick Fact

Caroline Davidson, a university student, designed the logo for Nike in 1971. She was paid 35 dollars

Films and TV
Hollywood produces about 600 films a year. Although many countries have their own film industries and make excellent films, most of the films in cinemas around the world are American. In addition, television channels in many countries are full of American TV shows like The O. C., Charmed and E.R. A lot of people around the world copy the American way of life that they see in these films and TV programmes.

The USA has had a bigger influence on popular music than any other country. Many styles of music e.g. jazz, blues, soul music and hip-hop, originaed in black American culture. Blues, for example, came from the religious songs that were sung by African slaves in the USA. A centruy later, hip-hop was a form of expression for young black Americans living in big cities.


Many styles of casual clothes started in the USA. Since the 1950s, jeans and T-shirts have become the most popular clothes in the world. Today, baseball caps are worn in countries where nobody plays baseball. Sports clothes made by American companies such as Nike are worn by millions of young people all around the world.

Quick Fact

McDonald's has 27, 000 restaurants in 119 different countries. They serve 43 million customers a day.

The expression "Time is money" originated in the USA. Americans are famous for doing things fast and wanting things fasts. And that´s probably why they invented fast food! Hot dogs and hamburgers originated in the USA, and today millions of people around the world use American style fast food restaurants every day.

3. Answer the questions.

1) According to the text, what do people sometimes call the USA?

2) How many films are made in Hollywood every year?

3) Which style of music came from religious songs?

4) Who designed the Nike logo?

5) What famous American expression is quoted in the text?

6) In how many countires are there McDonald´s restaurants?

4. Click here for doing the following activity.

5. Work in pairs or groups. Talk about what are some of the positive and negative effects of American culture on your country.

I think American films are really good and...

The only good thing about American cuture is...

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